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Yoga Course for
Complete Beginners

5 week course  
at Chapel on the Green, Glasbury, HR3 5LJ

Starts Thursday 11th January 2024
6:pm - 7:15pm

£50 to book full course



A 5 week course for beginners

taught by Graham


This term we are delighted to be running a fresh Beginners Course.

This means that we start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) and build gradually week by week, introducing the basic elements of yoga practice.


We breath softly and stretch gently, being kind with our bodies to instil comfort and calm.



The first yoga sutra, 1.1, is a simple invocation to begin—and to begin now. Atha yoga anushasanam: Now the instruction of yoga is being made. We are always beginning the study of yoga, its not something to ever master, just continuous lifelong study.  The invitation on this course is the invitation to begin the study of yoga as you are, in this moment, the only moment that ever really exists, so it matters not if you have been a beginner for years, a first timer or somewhere whose practice has gone on an extended sabbatical; you will be welcomed warmly into this space. 

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